Monday, May 21, 2018

When glossier announced they were opening a permanent Los Angeles store I was OVER THE moon. I started liking their products last year in May and never looked back!

Glossier has been a favorite brand of mine skincare and makeup, I religiously use their mask every Sunday night for the past year! Here's my blogpost on my skincare routine, although I will have to update it very soon! I've recently been loving their makeup stuff as well I made a quick blogpost here about the new favs!
Now that the LA store is open I can just pick up whatever I need without having to wait for the shipping! So since it was opening week it was expected to be busy, there was line outside and George and I waited around 10-15 minutes. Once inside it was obviously, packed but the set up was cute.

They had all the products out for testing and I was finally able to take a look at the mascara and I can't wait to try it! I also picked up the stretch concealer in dark! The only thing with the shop that people might have a dilemma with is that there's more people than staff. The staff are super helpful but basically you have to go to them if you need a product and they get it from the back. I asked one lady for help but she was busy with another girl and I was going to wait for her but she came back and didn't say anything so I saw George was being helped so I went to Yoia and she was super nice! I knew it was going to be super packed so I wan't too fussed about the wait time or waiting for someone to attend me again, it was opening week. So again if you are planning to go within the next few weeks, be patient!
While we were waiting for our products we saw the cool canyon room that was SOOOO COOL! It inspired by the canyons in the desert AND as revealed by the founder Emily, they went to the ACTUAL desert to record sound for the inside and man was it awesome!

Once we got outside of the canyon our baggie was ready to be picked up and off we went with our goodies! It was really nice and I'm happy they chose Los Angeles as their second permanent location!

Here I have my foundation on next is going to be all the products from glossier on my face:
haloscope in Quartz
Lidstar mix of Cub, Slip, and Fawn
Generation G in Zip like one layer
and lastly the Wowder in Dark/Deep which I'm so picking up on my next paycheck!

This was my experience at the Glossier store everyone has different experiences so do you boo boo!

Thanks for reading 

talk to you guys soon xx

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