New year, new me? kinda-

Monday, January 6, 2020

Every year we reflect. 
We look at the people we've met, the people we've lost, what we survived, and what we celebrated.
I saw every month as a new beginning. When New Year arrives, it's somewhat beautiful seeing how millions of people will have positive affirmations and goals for themselves in a world that is so chaotic and lost-originally wrote this before the new year started and dam...that went south-
ANYWAYS this year feels different for sure:

Coming into the new year, many things will become a challegne for me. I will have another busy semester ahead of me, and I'm expected to graduate in the Spring. After that the real world begins, meaning I have to find a job in my career field- let's face it I know the real world but haven't fully stepped out of my comfort zone just yet- I know this growth will teach me important lessons, like most events in my life have done in the past, but I truly think this year will be a bigger test and a worthy outcome.

Some new things:

I've recently become a vegetarian! I became a vegetarian in August, exactly on my birthday, and It's one of the best decisions I've done in my life to be honest. I've always wanted to become vegetarian and I'm finally doing it! I started out first by doing it when I can-also bought cruelty free products to help balance things out- and NOW I'm like no I'm a vegetarian. I used to think that being a vegetarian was inconvenient for others, but that's kind of messed up thinking...why would I put others before myself? When I started going out and eating with groups of people I was a little bit nervous, but everyone has been the best and so accommodating from Kevin to my work place they've always tried to accommodate me and it means a lot to me. I want to start sharing recipes that's I've done on here, however, the best place to also follow my journey is on Pinterest because that is where I get all my recipes from!

Since becoming an eccentric witch, I've found so much comfort in the craft. I've honestly never felt more safe and sane within myself. Although I'm still a baby witch -Jesskia lol- this year is about becoming more involved with the craft and not hiding it. When I first introduced this idea to my boyfriend, he was happy. He didn't understand what it meant, but he knew it made me happy and that's all that matters.-and das why I love him- So far I've fully celebrated Yule, decorating my altar and learning more about the wheel of the year. I wanted to introduce this on my blog because it's something that is a part of me that I want to grow rather than hide. 


I don't really have a specific goal because things are never going to go as planned. An idea is good, but I've learned not expect things to go accordingly. I will say I try to make things go according to plan but, life doesn't always work that way. The biggest goal I have is to grow and learn from the past/my mistakes/ my experiences, because that will only make me a better and smarter person. I graduate this year and then it's off to job searching in my career field. There will be trial and error probably, but I think successes are the most important thing to manifest and work on.

1 comment

  1. Congratulations on going vegetarian exactly on your birthday, and also on using cruelty free products!!!!!! I follow other vegans / vegetarians on Twitter who also happen to be witches :)
    Best wishes going forward xx <3 :)

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